On February 4th, 2007 at 8pm Pirate cinema organizes a screening night of video recordings of concepts from the three past editions of the Dictionary of War.
The screening takes place in Pirate Cinema Berlin, Tucholskystr 6, 2nd floor, S-Bahn Oranienburger Str, U Oranienburger Tor.
Free entry, cheap drinks, copies to go.
20:00 Amphetamine (Hans-Christian Dany)
20:30 Aufräumen (Diedrich Diederichsen)
21:00 Kriegsmaschine (Nicolas Siepen)
21:30 Polizeikrieg (Katja Diefenbach)
22:00 Pop (Georg Seesslen)
22:30 Territorium (Peter Fend)
23:00 Trip (Anselm Franke)
23:30 Vereinte Nationen (Ariane Müller)
00:00 Weltkrieg (Klaus Viehmann)
00:30 Wetter (Dietmar Dath)