
The accident has been seen as an origin myth for a new prosthetic enhancement to the body in its drive to war (Marinetti). Recently, Paul Virilio calls the accident the diagnostic of technology, its inherent drive to catastrophe. What about the accident as the image of everyday danger in a city? Not an outside, not an inside.

An occupation, military or civilian, is lived out at many different levels, modalities and distances. The suffering that is visited upon those whose freedoms are curtailed, whose movement is blocked and whose lives are threatened is rarely matched by the misgivings of those implicated in inflicting the occupation, or those associated with it through citizenship or other modes of inscription. Our concern here is with the question of how the occupiers might vigilantly live out an occupation beyond the simple rhetorics of resistance.
Alphabetical Order

The alphabet produces order. An order which unfolds along the sequence of a limited number of letters but at the time opens up the potential to proliferate with every single letter in an undetermed way. Letters are one of the smallest structural unit that distinguishes meaning without causing meaning itself. The alphabet is an order without meaning, an exemplary order, which is able to link the singular with the general. The exemplary order exists only and through the concepts which have been created so far, and which themselves are uncoupled of their particular and specific fields.
Ambient Fears

Ever since September 11th not only has the perception of risk escalated but the meaning of fear has changed. At a personal level people have been speculating over their exposure to danger and institutions revising their security measures. Their capacity to cope with threats has been undermined by a loss of trust and morale. Fear has saturated every aspect of life. The American government has had to measure their ambition for global domination against the simmering prospects of revenge and sabotage occurring in their own locale. This level of anxiety is different to earlier forms of fear.

Hans-Christian Dany explains the functionality of Amphetamine and its use in the 20ties and then draws a connection to the military usage of the drug regarding particularly its role in friendly fire actions. He refers to a paradox in reference to the rapid technical diversification within the military and the constant use of the same drug like Amphetamin over a long period of time. He is holding his lecture in german.

The unexpected degree to which having a job is not only selling your time, but is also selling your voice. The annexpression job divide is a ragged edge, in which those with expressive options overlap with job holders in certain ways; still, the overwhelming preponderance of those with jobs have sold their voices almost completely, as their outlook has been annexed to corporate enterprise – and as they have moreover introjected the workplace values, political postures, and social outlooks of their employers.

Anti War I think doesn't work anymore as a word. And I want to explore why. Is it that war itself is a situated historical something and we've moved beyond that historical period? Is it that we are no longer positioned in a clear way, so that we can identify war?

Anxiety is the only affect that is beyond all doubt, it nevers deceives. This is Jacques Lacan’s elaboration on the subject in his Seminar titled “Anxiety”. In contradisticintion for example to both Freud and Heidegger, he thus complicates the distinction between Fear and Anxiety. For both, the psychoanalyst and the existential-ontological philosopher, the two are seperated by the plus and minus of the presence or absence of an object. For Lacan, anxiety “n’est pas sans objet - is not without an object....
Arms Race (Architectural)

An architectural arms race is a competition between two or more countries for supremacy through the means of architecture and urbanism. Each party competes to produce architectural imagery or concrete built form to achieve a relative gain over the other. Such gain could be accounted for either symbolically, or physically interfering with urban practices in the country of the opponent.
Asymmetric Warfare

At first the notion of »asymmetrical war« is a description of a more or less obvious phenomenon: since 1945 there are less and less wars between states and more and more conflicts between regular forces on the one side and irregular formations on the other side. The state-to-state war - predominant in the time after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 - was characterized by two similar kinds of army: a symmetrical disposition.

(1) the image of people cleaning up their houses and streets, and what's left of it after they been attacked, bombed etc.
(2) the myth of Trümmerfrauen cleaning up the rubble in post-war Germany, when, at the same time, the trope auf cleaning up was strong as a right wing trope of law and order, and even war
(3) the antagonism of negentropic cleaning up and entropic war.

»Sovereign is he who decides on the exception.« This is Carl Schmitt’s famous definition of the problem of sovereign state power. It is the definition of the threat of sovereign state power in two meanings of the word: the »normal situation« is threatened by chaotic, an-archic troubles; and it is threatened by a sovereign state who re-establishes the normal order by stepping outside of the rule of law. (..:) Giorgio Agamben has, with regard to the imperialistic world politics of the USA (and with regard to Italy under Berlusconi) strengthened Schmitt’s thesis and has formulated with Walter Benjamin: »The state of exception we are living in is the rule.«

Autoxylopyrocycloboros (2006) took the form of self-defeating journey in a small wooden steam boat. The voyage, made on the waters of Loch Long, Scotland, home to the Trident submarine base and neighbouring peace camp, was fuelled with wood from the boat itself, as plank by plank, piece by piece, it was feed to its own boiler, until inevitably disappearing into the submarine infested depths of the Loch.
Bang! Bang!

Kosovar Pavilion Venice Biennial 2005, did not confuse only those who cannot distinguish what is an Albanian and what is a Kosovar pavilion, artist or identity but seemingly also players of the great structure of the ancient contemporary art power elite that eventually accepted apologies by the used instrument of this work (e-flux) for challenging their Biennale with a tool of their own system and continued to live on in harmony as nothing had happened in the West (Sunday, color video, 3.01 min.). These works stand and mark a time and a context that is full of Bang! Bang! (Bang!
Blank Space

"To open to civilization the only part of our globe which it has not yet penetrated, to pierce the darkness which hangs over entire peoples..." With these words the "King of the Belgians", Leopold II. welcomed the participants of the "Geographical Conference" that took place in September 1876 at the Royal Palace in Brussels. Only nine years later nearly one million square miles in central Africa, an area that Joseph Conrad once called "the blankest of all blank spaces", has been named the "Congo Free State". For the next 23 years it was the private property of Leopold II.

The concept of »Camouflage« in its traditional military sense has been classified always as national representation. To camouflage Stefan Römer adds another military concept: showing the flag - which got another connotation during Football Worldchampionship 2006 in the privatized and corporated public spaces. As opposed these methods might be in their intention, they seem to serve the same system of representation as the same cultural practices. Speaking about piracy, both methods appear in a single constellation. Could this open up new spaces of action for non representative practices? Stefan Römer is holding his lecture in german.

Manuel Herz, an architect based in Cologne, analyzes the concept of »Camp« rather in an abstract way but in a specific location, in Chad. One of the poorest countries in the world, pumping oil since several years without any positive effects on the income of the local population, became one of the most important areas for refugees from different countries. Manuel Herz is talking in english, below you'll find the paper of his lecture in german.
Civil War (A quiet)

Over the last fifteen years, many parts of the former Soviet Union have been devastated by civil war and other disruptive armed conflicts. Despite this glaring fact, it has often been stated that the break-up of the Soviet Union was a remarkably "bloodless" affair.
Cold War Planning

Cold war physical planning is frequently invoked in contemporary discussions about post 9/11 urban planning in the US, but another equally important/pervasive aspect of collaborations between defense planners and urban planners in the Cold War era is forgotten in these discussions. I'll talk about several technology-focused collaborations in the 1960s and suggest why this more expansive definition of Cold War planning history is important and relevant for thinking about cities and war today.
Cold, Coldness, the War of Coldness

As the Russian army invaded the Georgian territory, right in the same day China celebrating its "one world, one (Olympic) dream", mainstream media soon were flooded with the term "new cold war". Russia is back, and right now United States of America is facing its most serious, urgent, catastrófico economic Recession that is going to influence the world. For the western journalist, cold war was over decades ago, and the "new" is coming back to haunt the world with it's new axis, new friends, and new competition.
Collaboration (1)

The original idea of the DICTIONARY OF WAR traces back to an event we have been organizing almost three years ago in Tarifa, in the very south of Spain. At BORDERLINEACADEMY, where about two hundred artists, activists, theorists met, we were realizing that although we might share some basic beliefs, convictions or attitudes there is a surprising lack of understanding since specific keywords or buzzwords were conceived in tremendously different ways and notions.
Collaboration (2)

"Collaboration" is a structure, where two or more people work together toward a shared aim―typically for an intellectual or cultural project that is creative in nature. Yet, "Collaboration" acquires a very negative meaning as referring to persons or a groups which help an occupier or enemy of their country. What are the benefits and dangers of cultural collaborative projects between Palestinians and Israelis when any kind of collaborative structure is acknowledged as collaboration with the enemy?

The guided tour through an art-collection assembled in the period between 1986/7-1996/7, which is the period of the outset and ongoing of wars in Yugoslavia. How social and political agendas were absorbed or radiated through the process of selection - as seen in the content and concept of works. Which ideological and class positioning of the collectioner could generate motives, guide decisions or get blended into todays appearance of the collection.

Coloniality, no longer an awkward major paradigm but an agile minor concept, enters the mise en scène of William Kentridge's »black box« (Germany/South Africa 2005) and its reenactment of Germany's most recent Historikerstreit to report on various passions for the real.

I declare war on damaged hair and split-ends.
Because I'm worth it.
Kate Moss for L'Oreal The film Comrades venture into the convention of representation, male friendship and the ability to engage emotionally in Hollywood war movies. What notions of friendship and community is it that film industry wish to provide, and how does it differ in respect of the political realities of different time periods. We are Swedish. We surrender.
Conditional Surrender to the City of Gardens

An experiment in teleology via a syntax octopus of popsongs. DNA is a syntax, which names an ideal fruiting endstate: a productive human, a reproductive frog, etc. This name for the future-state elaborates in response to experience-towards structural realization at full-resolution/reality. Human Rights and DNA are names for that set of infrastructure economies-the organs comprising a body- that allow the individual cells to experience at the next absolute scale of economy. This in contrast to the thoroughly discredited micro-incrementalist reactionary future-gaming of war and market masters. Oh the poor old market, the poor old web- precious self-elaborating logics- in desperate need of colleague economies. In need of the Multiple Transnational Infrastructure Economies which will use the extracted refined and recombined modernist materialism to form the infrastructure trellis that can support the elaboration outwards, of the next absolute scale of economy: The World Organ Economies, The Global City of the Gardens.
Conflict within Peace, Peace within Conflict

In his lecture entitled Conflicts within Peace, Peace within Conflicts, Dr. Chen will discuss the unique situation of simultaneous war and peace that seems to exist across the Taiwan Strait. It goes without saying that the cross-strait political relationship is an extremely unusual case in international politics, and although most countries don't acknowledge Taiwan's nationhood and maintain it is a part of China, Taiwan is active on the international stage as a sovereign and independent national entity.

We could find a definition for the word "continuity" as such: "A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film, allowing the various scenes to be shot out of order." While all possible kinds of "wars" are going on in the world all "possible details" disappear. But details are the bridge towards what makes life more real and interesting. By disappearance of the detail, absurdity evolves in reality and the aspire to continuity is a strong contest around this absurdity.
Corridors of Subjection

Timescapes/B-Zone (Becoming Europe Zone) is a collaborative, non-linear video editing project investigating techniques of narration against the power politics of the segmentation of memory and communication located in a (post-) war zone where state politics concerning migration and mobility are thought of as warfare.
Counter imaging

After a period of relative normalisation, the politics within the Republic of Turkey has been drifted again into serious conflict. The rise of the governing party, which has its roots from the Islamic movement and which tries now to fuse cultural conservatism with rampant neo-liberalism, has disconcerted the established actors of the regime (army, bureaucracy and the urban bourgeoise) and the urban middle class in the West of the country which feels threatened by the heedless nouveau riche emerging from the conservative provinces.
Dark Matter

Sholette's research into politically-engaged artists' collectives raises the following proposition: cultural economies are secretly dependent upon a sphere of hidden social production involving cooperative networks, systems of gift exchange, unwaged labor, and collective forms of practice that act as a type of missing mass or dark matter, which the art world typically refuses to acknowledge. Thanks in large part to the spread of digital networks, however, this dark matter is getting brighter.

At 12 o'clock on April 8, 2005, in the Ostarrichi-Park in front of the Landesgericht (the regional court), a temporary monument to the defeat was unveiled that triggered a debate on the process of denazification and made an issue of the fact that this process was still unfinished today. The eight-sided object was conceived as a monumental plinth and it measured 2 meters in height and had a circumference of 11 meters. Nora Sternfeld presents her concept in german but below you could read the english translation.

Der Begriff der "Entwurzelung" orientiert sich an dem von Pierre Bourdieu gewählten Begriff "Déracinement / Uprooting", der gleichzeitig den Titel eines von ihm in Zusammenarbeit mit Abdelmalek Sayad 1964 veröffentlichten Buches bildet. Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der französischen Kolonialpolitik (seit 1830) und des Unabhängigkeitskrieges (1954-1962) auf die algerische Bevölkerung. Vor allem die Umsiedlung großer Bevölkerungsgruppen insbesondere im ländlichen Raum in die Centres de regroupement, von der über 2 Millionen Algerier (ein Viertel der Gesamtbevölkerung) betroffen waren, ist eine der brutalsten Vorgänge dieser Art der Geschichte und wurde von Bourdieu/Sayad in ihrer Studie exemplarisch analysiert.

Absent without permission, it's not only soldiers who desert, or should consider it. What does it mean to be a deserter or to practice desertion? Not furtively, but as an outlaw, a fugitive? Some brief thoughts on disobedience, desertion and other promising conduits to abolishing the disposition to war.
Digital Despair

The war in Iraq, from 2003 to the present, is the first war covered by bloggers. Salam Pax caused a stir by reporting online the last months of the Sadam Hussein regime and the US invasion. During the short summer of media freedom (2003-2004) Iraqi weblogs popped up in great numbers. Four years later we find ourselves in midst of a pool of 'digital despair'. Most bloggers have left the country and report from Damascus, Amman or London. Humor and irony have vanished. Some became news professionals, others turned silent.

People don’t just disappear in wartime, they also disappear in broad daylight. Los Desaparecidos. Not accounted for, never to be seen again. Some are lucky enough to survive, but they are not in peace for all that, they become the war. Through their reactions, they reveal a reality that may not be accessible in any other way : the war is never over. It is simply simmering under the surface, ready to burst out at the slightest opportunity and show itself for what it is. War has become one with peace as death has become one with life.

Disciplining in order to fight is "hot" - it mobilizes, transgresses and fuels the passions. Disciplining in order to effectively use force is "cold" - it controls, regularizes, and curbs the affects. The mix ratio is changing and the history of military disciplining can be described as a change between rather "hot" and rather "cold" epochs. Ulrich Bröckling is talking in german but below you could read his lecture in english translation.
Eating Rawness

“Man tries to satisfy his need for aggresion at the expense of his neighbour, to exploit his work without compensation, to use him sexually without his consent, to appropriate his goods, to humiliate him, to inflict suffering on him, to torture and kill him”. (Feud); To find the path of desire is to encounter on routethe bad character of the drives, settled at the heart of all subjects who have to recognise it. Who am I?
Electronic Soldier

Der neue Soldat – meist als electronic soldier bezeichnet – trägt die Insignien des Informationszeitalters: in seinem Rucksack befindet sich ein wearable computer; sein Helm ist mit einem heads-up display, integriertem Ohrhörer und Mikrophon bestückt; Funkgerät und Antenne schließen ihn permanent an ein ge-fechtsfeldumfassendes W-LAN an; die Waffe lässt sich mit zahlreichen optotroni-schen Komponenten, wie Nachtsichtgerät und Videokamera, ausrüsten; GPS und andere features ergänzen die Rüstung. Und in der Tat lässt sich der electronic soldier als eine Figur an der Front der Informationsgesellschaft begreifen.

and to present various approaches to entertainment in different armies today as well as to question why don't we have entertainment for peacekeeping soldiers on international level. Lecture will consist on presenting documents as well as a part of documentary about American Military Theatre festival I am busy with.

I am here to function as the exergue, as that which comes in advance of an argument or the playing out of a hoped for argument. The exergue is a citation, a found object or quote which alerts us to both what might be coming but also establishes its relation to previous thought. In part the exergue establishes a heightened atmosphere of what is to be expected, a frisson that communicates the intention and the spirit behind that intention in advance of the thing itself.
Explosion Implosion: War in our time

In EXPOLSION IMPOSION: War in Our Time, I show four series of paintings and works on paper that are concerned with war and/ or terrorism and torture. I talk about its affect on society the society. The four series are, FIRES OF WAR, 9-1, ABU GHRAIB: Abuse of Power and IN OUR NAME: Black Sites and Guantanamo. These works explore the sensory and experiential nature of violence, war and torture as distinct from their conceptual and historical dimensions.

The Featherman a word that I belive should be included in the dictionary of war. It is the desire and the act of transforming ones self in order to resemble "the other" the enemy. This desire and act usually arises in situations of complete defeat where you find yourself incapable of confronting the other except by mirroring him/her.

»Flintenweib« ist eine auf deutscher Seite gebräuchliche feindliche Bezeichnung für die sowjetische Soldatin im Zweiten Weltkrieg, sie wurde in Propaganda und Befehlsgebung der Wehrmacht angewandt – mit mörderischer Konsequenz. Der Begriff „Flintenweib“ äußert auch eine soziale Konstruktion des Weiblichen und Männlichen im Krieg.
Full Spectrum Dominance

The objectives of the United States government as outlined in a document called the Joint Vision for 2020 are to achieve this thing they call "full spectrum dominance". The goal is to not allow any other nation or group of people on the planet to achieve a competitive level of development that can challenge the dominance of the United States in any sphere of influence, meaning militarly, economically and meaning in some ways socially.

The essence or the hidden identity of the helicopter appear as a dichotomy; on the one hand a total threat coming from above, something you cannot possibly escape from, the all-seeing flying eye in the sky, the omnidirectional warmachine; and at the same time, its opposite: a rescuer coming from the air, from heaven above, as an angel. One aspect of this idea is of release (or freedom): Release from threat and fear but also freedom that can be attained if you grow above and beyond yourself. This cipher of evil and illumination is united in the image of the dragon, the snake of fire or the plumed snake. Such basic figures emerge from an meta-individual archetypal reservoir of images of the human psyche traversing the mythologies of many different peoples.

Heraklit ist der Philosoph, der die Welt, d.h. die Seinstotalität, als KRIEG gedacht hat, als POLEMOS, WIDERSTREIT (eris), AUSEINANDERSETZUNG, ZWIETRACHT, WERDEN. Mit Heraklit ist der KRIEG zu einer ONTOLOGISCHEN GRÖSSE erhoben. Seitdem gibt es ONTOLOGIE nur als ONTOLOGIE DES KRIEGES und als KRIEGERISCHE ONTOLOGIE. Vielleicht ist Heraklit der PHILOSOPH, von dem sich die ABENDLÄNDISCHE PHILOSOPHIE (d.h. Die PHILOSOPHIE ÜBERHAUPT) nicht erholen kann und nie wird erholen können. Vielleicht liegt hier das ERBE der HERAKLITISCHEN KRIEGSKUNST: das DENKEN, die PHILOSOPHIE, jenseits der PAZIFIERUNG zu situieren.
Hindutva and Islamism: Twins in Annihilation

Hindutva and Islamism are both movements of revanchism and annihilatory impact, which claim to speak in the name of a pure religious tradition that has been tainted and threatened by alien influences. In a zone of cultural confluence such as South Asia, these global movements are at war with one another: to Hindutva, secular modernity as well as Islam and Islamism are the enemy; to Islamism, secular modernity as well as Hinduism and Hindutva are the enemy.
Homeland Security Advisory System

Since 2002, a blueprint for escape route coding has been in place in the United States: the colour-coded terror alert levels set by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), called “5 Codes”. Even though the colour sequence does not correspond with the rising wavelength of the colours in the spectrum (blue comes before green), the US government was still clever to choose the rainbow motif, as the “Rainbow Warrior” Isaac Newton with his prismatic analysis of “white divine light” made a major contribution to the dawn of the age of risk . The 5 Codes are exit and relaxation codifications in the age of an outside inside the law. Woven into them is a subtext of readiness, flight and evacuation measures. Sometimes they keep a population on their toes, sometimes not, they slow the tempo down and speed it up as well. They are invisible distribution corridors with regulators for the flow of movement, rudimentary notations of a state choreography for a country that is escaping.
Hostis Humani Generis

Abstract wars demand abstract enemies, and the Hostis Humani Generis (or the enemy against all mankind) is a title that has been bestowed on a host of figures; starting with the pirate and now the terrorist, I seek to understand the links between property, piracy and terrorism and propose that the concept of Hostis Humani Generis helps us understand the idea of war as a continuation of property by other means.

An associative and casual listening session to examples of shaabiyat tracks produced and distributed in Cairo over the past three years. Khan will discuss how the taboo becomes totem, the self hysterically claims a space, and aggression and paranoia become productive cultural operations, his evidence a collection of tracks that he finds to be the most interesting, surprising, and exciting cultural product to come out of his home town for a very long time.

Information is, first and foremost, an English-language word with a checkered past -- in hermeneutics, jurisprudence, physics, genetics. Its current use is partly defined by context, communications, and partly by the baggage it carries from its prior incarnations, which are irreconcilable. Those tensions are precisely what lends the word the dynamism it needs to function as it does, as a sort of universal solvent.

Insulation is the silent twin of "mediation".
It is the wrapper of refusal that surrounds and protects an act of transmission, of exchange, or of transport. It is then a systemic, "objective" part of the ways in which we distribute ideas, information, and materials.
Jeunesse fougue

Bonjour, l'idee de jeunesse fougue pour moi c'est inconstant de lieu. Je remarque aujourd'hui que beaucoup de presidents sont tres jeunes et surtout qui sont doté d'une puissance incroyable, d'une puissance sur le plan armement, sur le plan nucléaire, avec une force de frappe incroyable. Ceci dit, quand un jeune president qui metrise, qui a à sa possession une certaine quantité d'armes decide d'aller en guerre, nous avons constaté que rien ne peut l'empecher de faire la guerre. Même l'opinion international ne peut pas l'empecher de faire la guerre.

My presentation this afternoon will continue on some of the themes that I explored in my conversation with Jo Ractliffe a few moments ago and I am speaking about Jihad but also would like to use the opportunity to link this question of Jihad to what I call incasarated life, to look at the relationship of contemporary arts and the security state. I think it's been in a very much part of the lexicon of the emergency in which we're operating today to speak of Jihad from the point of view of a nihilistic practice, of senseless violence, violence that has no ethical core.

A novel... The last night I slept at home was the night of December 29th, 1991. After that night I have been going to bed and been waking up in many other places, of which at least one I could , with a lifelong engrafted caution, even call my home, but no, never again after that night have I slept at home, I was never at home at all, nor I will ever be at home again, even if I would go back to that place, the place where the home was.

Komplizenschaft wird als kühles Plädoyer für einen kritischen Lebensentwurf, der sich als Alltagspraxis versteht und weniger das Feld der Kunst tangiert, vorgeschlagen. Komplizenschaft steht für eine mikrogemeinschaftliches Arbeits- und Lebensform und ist ein Beispiel für die Kraft des Schwachen. Anhand von 18 Regeln begründe ich, dass Komplizen nicht nur Mitdenker, sondern vor allem Mittäter sind. Komplizen sind keine Strategen, sondern Taktiker, die es vermögen mit den Ereignissen zu spielen und günstige Gelegenheiten zu ergreifen. Eng miteinander verflochten schreiten sie zur Tat. Sei diese Tat legal oder illegal – genau diese Doppelstruktur macht ihre Faszination und Schlagkraft aus. Weil sie eigene Gesetze kreieren, die sie mehr binden als das geltende Recht, lancieren sie alternative Ordnungen, die Machtstrukturen transparent machen und temporär verändern.
Kosovo and corruption

How did these two subjects come together, when it was perfectly clear that we have learned this lesson seven years ago - existential problems of the citizens and their families cannot be resolved by resorting to nationalism? The fact that proves that we knew this back then are the citizens who voted for democratic options in 2000 and left nationalist parties without support.

andcompany & Co. Feat. Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma & Co.
In their lecture performance KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG they will explain and declare war at the same time, talking in stolen words, quotes borrowed from John L. Austin until Vladimir I. Lenin. For supplementary reading please check out the text "Die Kriegserklärung " by Karl Marx

A montage of two kinds of montage, two types of assembling images about, in between, beyond, as a war machine within the images themselves. A fine line between love and hate: 1. Jean Genets »Un chant d’amour« (A love Song) – how to make love through a wall and que(e)r it (smoke). 2. The Godard/Gorin/Mieville machine »Ici et Ailleure« (Here and elsewhere) – how to use a two-image-assembly to ruin the War Machine as montage itself - are we not mature to read an Image yet? (Fascism)... in-between: GODARD - embedded War Machine ...

The tactic of killing in the name of loyalty places the non-fighter, the peacemaker - the journalist, the ordinary person - in to the war and the zone of fire. The Tamil Tigers, a militant group, branded terrorists by the US, Europe and Canada, has a track record of killing people from their own ethnicity, who challenge their strategy. Journalists who write critically against the Government or contribute to "demoralising" the army are attacked, disappeared and killed.

»Once we fully recognise secular magic's role as a cultural agent, our sensitivity to the play of puzzlement, fictiveness, and contingency in modernity will be heightened.« Simon During, Modern Enchantments (Harvard 2002) »The purpose of this paper is to instruct the reader so he may learn to perform a variety of acts secretly and undetectably. In short, here are instructions for deception.« Some Operational Uses for the Art of Deception, Commissioned for MKULTRA (CIA) from magician John Mulholland in 1954.

"Representing manhood in the American war against terror: Pat Tillman and Scott Helvenston": Both Tillman and Helvenston played out traditional masculine roles in American public life before enlisting for combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. The events that followed would colour the personas they had constructed earlier.
Marketing War

In times of war commercial considerations present new ways to promote culturally available sentiments of nationalism, previously sustained by state institutions. As governments withdraw from managing emergency services this vacuum may be taken up by private agents, particularly at the local-municipal level. This question of marketing war is examined in a case-study of a commercial radio station in the city of Haifa during the 2006 Lebanon War.

The video proposes a sensual study on the fragmented self. The I as container can not contain itself. Selfcontainment is an unfinishable process of oneself being there for the first time and placing yourself and being placed in a constructed historical order. If I was you who were you then? The video is based on Gherasim Luca's "The Inventor of Love".

The artist Akram Zaatari defines Mobilization as a kind of eternal propaganda. He is reading a text he wrote some weeks ago describing how found footage and the process of collecting documents became crucial for his work and finally shows his latest video, a work about mobilization.
Na tragu mitologije

Remotely contributed concept by Jovan Divjak, former general in the Bosnian army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. He was the highest ranking ethnic Serb in the army and one of its most educated and experienced officers. On April 8th, 1992, Divjak became Deputy Commander of BiH's Territorial Defense forces and a month later oversaw the defence of Sarajevo from a major JNA attack.
Narrating a time of war

I should begin by saying that I am a painter and talking about war or images of war is something that I have been exploring for a long time, specifically images coming out from what has been labeled as terrorism. Muslim fundamentalism is a subject which has become very intersting for me, coming from India and living and working in Europe.
National Mythomania

Screening of the inserts from Žilnik's movies: OLD TIMER (1988), TITO'S SECOND TIME AMONG THE SERBS (1994), EUROPE NEXT DOOR (2005) and WILD CAPITALISM (2008). Inserts are illustrating thesis how former Yugoslav political elite since the middle of the 1980s, after longterm conflict around Tito's inheritor and heritage, dismissed internationalism and self-management as axioms of the state's foundaments. Engineering of tribalizing of people was put in motion, together with ideology of nationalistic mythomanie and re-sentiments.

In a format of an (in)operative interview we will try to negotiate in a polarized field between Jan-Luc Godard's movie "Here or Elsewhere" and Ivana Sajko's play "Ribcage" which we once used to root our thematization of war. Silence and waiting and questions and oblivion are the keywords of our small performance machine.

Two points seem to be particularly interesting when we think of neutrality as a mean to manage postcocolonial, ethnic, racial, gender, political, social, military, technological, cultural transitions, as a dispositf of change of the contemporary space, tuned to balance the conflictual forces that flare up in almost every human settlement.

NSK Garda refers to the project in which the slovenian art group Irwin collaborates with various European armies. In these actions soldiers, with Malevich's cross on their sleeves, raise and guard the flag of the NSK State in Time. In that sense it is not really a performance but more some sort of tableau vivant of the real army wearing a Malevich cross. Art society and army society are social structures that are usually totally opposite to each other and very rarely mix. With this action Irwin is organizing this encounter.

The concept I'm going to present draws directly from the work of Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan. It describes the economic phases of "depth" and "breadth," and correlates them with the first- and second-order cybernetics of control. It attempts to situate the functions of cultural-communicational labor within these economic phases. It questions those autonomists who thought it would be possible to transform a broadly expansionary phase of capitalism, like that of the nineties, into a qualitatively different society. It’s not a polemic, but seeks to open up a field of strategic debate. It doesn't assert a future, but observes the unfolding of the present into the depths of violence, which has robbed resistance movements of their potential, again. The concept is Peace-for-War.
Performing Posses

Politics, Activism and not at least performative potentials meet in the term “Posse“ as conflictive spaces of emancipatory wars against border- and bio-regimes. In their well known analyses of “Empire“ Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt describe “Posse“ from the latin term as a verb of power, an activity, which refers to the political power and subjectivity of the multitude: Posse is what a mind and a body can do. In a wider context the word also expresses in english the branding of a gang or clique, and in german it's also the theatre-term for a scetch or form of comedy.

"La colombe qui fait bourn!" The dove that goes boom! Similar to other animals pigeon is lending out their features to the war techniques. Like Trojan horse and Medici’s giraffe, Warhorses and Elephants, Durer’s Rhinoceros and bomber dolphins , pigeons become devices that share their belonging to both – nature and techne. Animals lending their skin to the camouflage patters, logic of their movements to the one of robots, their muscles to carrier of ammunitions, their senses to control protocols, their species names to name technologies or war.

This paper looks at the phenomenon of media piracy on the internet and in real space. As I live in the Philippines, I will focus on the piracy here, but my remarks will not be limited to the local situation. I will look at the phenomenon of piracy as such and try and outline some observations about how piracy works. First of all, I will look at piracy as a means of distributing films, and - drawing on interviews with some traders of pirated media material - on how the piracy market functions in the Philippines.

My concept consists of 2 videotaped testimonies of ex-soldiers concerning their service experiences. The first one is a short testimony about the pleasure of controlling other people with the tips of you fingers. 3 minutes. The second testimony concerns the pleasure of doing what you are trained to do and how killing can be fun.

„Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over“, sangen die Smiths 1986. Das destabilisierende Potenzial des kollektiven Ladendiebstahls scheint ungleich geringer gegenüber dem des Plünderns, und doch setzten bereits die Smiths auf das Aushebeln jener Tauschgesetzmäßigkeit „Geld gegen Ware“, auf denen der ökonomische Imperativ des Systems Kapitalismus nun einmal basiert. Die romantische Vorstellung des kollektiven Ladendiebstahls funktioniert jedoch nur in Friedenszeiten. Im Krieg wird geplündert, und das heißt die willkürlich Aneignung von Besitz, die der Logik des entfesselten Haben-Wollens folgt.
Police War

We are currently entering a hegemonic war regime dominated by strategies of preventive intervention and crisis management, and therefore subject to the logic of the police. Elements of private enterprise war, of low-intensity warfare, of counter insurgency, of biopolitical administration, and of the police state of emergency are combined and legitimated as humanitarian mission, civilian-military cooperation, or just war. This war regime follows a calculation of control and security.

There is no war without pop, and there is no pop without war.
Georg Seeßlen and Markus Metz perform their lecture in german, commenting and analyzing multiple film extracts. In the »preface« below you'll find their crucial questions and thesis written in english.

During my military time in former yugoslavia i had to photograph more than 4500 soldiers for their military IDs. This happened 3 years before the war, which started 91. In the age of 19 and not enough politically grown to realize what i ve got in my hands, the negatives were just trash for me, after i printed 4 copies for each soldier. So all together something like 18000 prints in B/W. Then in 91 i went to the croatian war as a war photographer. During and especially after the war i had to think about all this young boys, i was taken a photographs of. What happend to them? Are they killed? Tortured? Or became killing machines? I cant tell...i only know that these images with the green shirt, fresh cut hair and a scary expression in their face are in my mind until today. These mug shots were my biggest project concerning war i have ever done.
Power Points

This presentation starts with a look at Crystal City, Virginia and K Street in the District of Colombia -- places in the Washington area where war is brokered and then moves to the beneficiaries of the K street deals -- places like the Blackwater Headquarters and the General Dynamics submarine company in Connecticut.
Preventive War
The war of conquest was always firmly established in history. Until the beginning of the 20th century it was even considered to be a legitimate means of politics. After the murderous world war of 1914-1918 wars of conquest often were passed off as «preventive wars». So it became quite normal to declare wars of aggression as mere measure of defence started only under pressure. For this was built especially this notion of an alleged preventive war. In reality this is a very mendacious circumscription of a wilfully, often long-term and perfectly planned act of aggression.
Prisoner of War

It is almost banal to start by talking about the ongoing Iraq apocalypse. After thousands of lives, and many multiples more of ink and video have been spilt, what more remains to be said about this manifestation of permanent war? Those who marched in anti-war rallies can now feel some schadenfreude at the unraveling of the entire project for a New Century. But at what a terrible price we earned the right to say "we told you so". Even after all the interventionist fantasies have shattered, there is no post-war peace dividend. The madness of the Neocon project only replaced by the equally insane Islamist project of the Mahdi Army, and the ethnic cleansing and forced partition dreams of the Shiite and Sunni death squads.

Provocation is a means of visualizing a religious identity in a secular context. As a hybrid of the notions of vocation, "a divine call to God’s service," and provocation, "a means of arousing or stirring to action", provocation can be understood a means of asserting a believer's democratic rights to practice his or her religion fearlessly.

Pandit or pundit. The word which is now associated almost exclusively with talking heads, CNN newscasters and livestreaming has a much richer history, one that strikes at the very nature of how knowledge is organized and controlled. "Pandit" stems from the Sanskrit "pandita", meaning "learned". Originally referring to a Hindu or Brahman who has memorized a substantial portion of the Vedas, and the rhythms and melododies for repeating them.

From the Practice of Joy before Death (in Visions of Excess) Heraclitean Meditation : “I myself am war” “I imagine human movement and excitation, whose possibilities are limitless: this movement and excitation can only be appeased by war. I imagine the gift of an infinite suffering, of blood and open bodies, in the image of an ejaculation cutting down the one it jolts and abandoning him to an exhaustion charged with nausea. I imagine the earth projected in space, like a woman screaming, her head in flames.
Re-appropriating the city of fear

Fear is seen to be one of the defining political emotions of late modernity. Filmmakers, sociologists, artists, philosophers and pundits see fear everywhere. If fear has become a way of life, the contemporary city is seen by many to be one of its most prominent and productive social laboratories. But while fear is seen to be so politically significant, the way it is studied often both naturalizes and exteriorizes fear from politics. As a result, fear's more complex and antagonistic status as both a social relation and an arena of political action is submerged.

Reconstruction will consist of screening of two videos: “A Reconstruction of an Unimportant Day in Our History” and “A Reconstruction of an Important Day in Our History”, by the artist. First video shows a day in a life of Josip Broz Tito during his stay in country side, in the castle. Castle is also known under the name of „Tito's Castle“. Tito as passionate hunter, often stayed in the Castle hunting wild animals, alone, with his wife Jovanka (who was as well passionate hunter) or with eminent foreign statesmen.

»Redundancy« is a crucial element for building network systems - so failure does not mean the end of the system; it's about functioning beyond the failure. But the artist Marko Peljhan is not only interested in the technical terms of the concept but also in its political meaning and impact.
Relatively calm

"Instead of calming the situation, the army shot at people for no reason... We are trying to calm the situation on both sides and I believe that we have almost succeeded. But the protesters are extremely angry. Some of their friends are dead and they are furious." (Member of the Lebanese Parliament explaining the situation after the shooting of protesters in May 2004)
Relatively calm again

I open this evening, having just arrived from Lebanon, which had just undergone a one-month dreadful war and is now undergoing a difficult post-war situation, or rather one might say a period of "being in-between wars." Since my task here is one of introduction, I will use this opportunity to give a brief and perhaps scattered narration of this war as a witness. To witness war is to feel the inexplicable sound of bombs, to fear death, to be in solidarity with others. To feel hate, anger, and negotiate violence. It is also to witness it in ways not unlike others: through TV and computer screens, reminding us of that saying, "wars now happen only on TV".
Renaming Machine

Renaming Machine is a war concept that could be interpreted as a subtle but powerful strategy for erasing ethnic, cultural or gender identity without using any aggression or causing any direct material damage. It functions as a conceptual weapon of destruction, as a kind of wage war or a contest between the old and new identity layer. However, renaming simultaneously adds and multiplies a new layer of identity each time it erases one, because the names could be neither stolen nor completely erased: the best example of accumulation by dispossession in David Harvey’s terms.

Relativizing the Absolute "Resistance" is among those terms that although seemingly clear-cut, are in reality difficult to define. What is resistance? Who defines what it is? What conditions have to be met so that who identifies or recognizes what to be resistance? And which and whose interests stand behind the label?
Retro-Massmedia Shockwaves

Embeded Journalism vs. Self-organized Multitude of Observation. The current conflict situation in Kenya reflects once again a critical point in our retro-mass media society. The information from inside the country is not valid, the information going to the "world" is twisted to perversion through embedded journalism, dubious sources and combustion point monitoring.
Rhizomic Maneuver

Rhizomic Maneuver is an emergent logic and form of maneuver, that divers from the traditional paradigm. Rhizomic Maneuver is based on disorder, complex geometry, a different epistemology, a different kind of learning. Unlike the industrial manoeuver which is idealistic, rhizomic maneuver is heretical.
Safe Distance

Safe Distance is video that was recorded during NATO air strikes against FR Yugoslavia. Videotape shows electronic cockpit of the US Air Force plane. There were 4 airplanes flying from NATO-base from Italy to destination in Yugoslavia. Mission objective was to bomb several targets in the area around city of Novi Sad. On the way back, after mission was completed, plane was shot. Tape (Sony Video 8) was found near crashed plane in Fruska Gora mountain in Srem region. It shows electronic cockpit with basic graphical interface and voice communication between pilots. Videotape is a regular document of flight used by command structures to analyze its efficiency and success after very mission. Tape presents these last moments before plain was crashed.
Sound Weapon

The S.P.I.R.A.W.L. (Sound Proofed Institute of Research into Acoustic Weapons Logistics) project is an online documentary. The work focuses on the uses of sound, infrasound and ultrasound as weapons by the military and organisations of civil enforcement. The website can be found at:
State of Emergency

We are going to have a conversation and we've come up with the idea of "state of emergency", to look at "state of emergency" in sort of two manifestations. The first state of emergency in South Africa was in 1960, shortly after the Sharpeville massacre which was a demonstration against the carrying of pass books which was actually part of the colonial british system of regulating black people in South Africa - where they could stay, where they could move.
Struggle for ideas

I would never have considered a lecture, considering the notion of war, if I hadn’t gotten this call. But since I got it, I kept hearing myself saying: you need to be more aggressive, you need more war, more aggression, a wider range of weapons than only that of the verbal communication, to enter the battlefield. You have something to fight for, don’t you?

The term ›terrorism‹ comes from the Latin word terrere, ›to frighten‹ via the French word terrorisme. The first use of the word ›terrorism‹ referred to state rule by terror. It was coined in the years after the French Revolution – the so-called Reign of Terror – and identified terror as an instrument of state power. Therefore, ›terrorism‹ became popular between 1793 and 1795 during the regime de la terreur.
Thanato politics

»Initially the task of that talk is to frame the relationship between the previous event and this one and to see how concepts could be developed. However, the kind of events and situations that we are experiencing and consuming right now would obviously make it little bit more specific. But, I think, in general that the war that is happing right now in Gaza and Lebanon is exactly a moment where events such as the Dictionary of War are made relevant..«

In early 1991, when Croatia received the first international recognitions of its statehood, the euphoria was enormous. Such were the paradoxes of the situation. While the third of the country was yet to feel the war casualties, the state television launched a trashy song "Danke Deutschland" as a mark of gratitude to the first state that gave the recognition. The author researches how the phrase Danke Deutschland changed its meaning through the time, what does it mean today in different sets of memory. The concept consists of a video clip and narration.
Theatre of Operations

Proposal for a theatre of operations for the dictionary of war. Drawing package, references, materials. "It was recognized that the chronologic development of these elements would vary from theater to theater. In theaters where a long buildup period was possible, a fairly elaborate system of communications zone sections or bases would develop well in advance of the rest of the theater elements."
Think Tank

Romania entered the NATO in 2003 and was immediately sending troops into Afghanistan. One of the first battalions that was sent there, had the name of a king from 16th century, called Nicolae Basarab but the US-Army said: Who's that? The Romanians tried to explain: This was our king, this was our hero, this is our past. But the americans said: No way this is too complicated. From now on you will be named „Red Scorpions“.

Inscenation of the novel by Ivana Sajko "Rio Bar", which is an intimate history of the war in Croatia narrated in eight monologs of a certain girl in a wedding dress. In this quoted excerpt, described metamorphosis into a "women-thorn" represents basis of the concept THORN – practical human nature.
Throne of Blood

Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood" (1957) based on Macbeth was originally titled "SpiderWeb Castle" - tales of ambition ridden lord Washizu (played by Toshiro Mifune) and his vicious lady (played by Isuzu Yamada) set in medieval Japan. Lord Washizu was driven to his downfall following an encounter with a witch in the SpiderWeb forest. " You will never lose a single battle, unless the spider web forest begins to move and approaches the castle." advises the witch to the bewildered Washizu. What follows is the classical plot of betrayal schemes that lead to the final insurgence of Washizu's own archers while the revenging troops marching with tree branches as camouflage towards the castle.
TOP OS - Theaters of Possession Operation Systems

In times of global wars, financial wars, the classic battlefield, the »Theatre of Operation« is not longer visible. Konrad Becker focuses on perception and the human nervous system and instead of defining and giving answers he poses questions: 100 questions for the Dictionary of war.

Presentation of a works will reflect the dramatic transformation of the region, connected in particular with decay of the local totalitarian regimes during the 1990's. By representing various forms of ethnic, religious or political predestination and manipulation symbolizing the contrast social situation in his homeland.

What sort of language is war, if it is one? What would "total" conflict be? When does escalation become impossible? When the violence is not exercised to force others into a conversation, or to change the terms of a debate, but in order to end a debate, to remove the other party in a debate once and for all, when debate itself -- or politics, or language -- is itself the target of the violence .... is that the limit? Is that the moment when things actually can't get any worse?

Movements in space and movements of the mind: The trip as the mobilisation of empathy, mimesis and sympathetic magic; between depression and delirium. From Joseph Conrad's outposts to todays checkpoints. From the Gates of Perception to cinematic gestures and sovereign continuity.
United Nations

Rio, Peking, Kairo, Istanbul, Genf, Kyoto, Habitat, Houairou, Konventionen, Protokolle, Deklarationen. Ariane Müller transfers excessive demands, over fatigue and prescribed terminology in a repetitive rhythm of the german language. We're still working on an appropriate translation.
Untermensch im Osten

Der Krieg im Osten 1941-1945, der mehr als 30 Millionen Menschen das Leben kostete, sprengte alle Grenzen zwischen „erlaubtem“ Töten feindlicher Soldaten im Kampf und dem Mord an Gefangenen und Zivilisten. „Zig Millionen“ zivile Opfer sah schon die deutsche Planung vor, die folgende Kriegsrealität war der Planung adäquat. Unter den Faktoren, die einen derart enthemmten Krieg möglich machten, wird hier das deutsche Feindbild des slawischen Untermenschen thematisiert: Inhalt, Kontext, Funktion, Tradition.
Vacuity, topo, deception, detour, bunker

Subtle! Subtle! It approaches the formless. ─ Sun Tze, Art of War, 500 BC
Micro-urbanism came out of a shifting paradigm of city and philosophy, which suggests there are internal realities to be investigated in order to describe how things interact and coordinate in the micro-scale realm, and which manifest the true spirit of a city and its people. Architects not only need to work within these inner systems but also to forge tactics in the micro-zones, in order to propel the self-healing potential that has been forgotten and dumped in the cultural politics of design.
Vae Victis

Prologue: you are in darkness of a public room in novi sad, serbia. it is the beginning of what is called new millennium. IMAGINE a time line emerging marking origin and development of the law concepts of war, determining destiny of individuals, nowadays we call them civilians. IMAGINE you are looking into the maelstrom of humanity & civilization, detected by a plummet hanged on your mental thread, rolling off down into the depth of times immemorial, two key words you are looking for in the past: war & civilians [12 letters only].
Virtuous War

Technology in the service of virtue has given rise to a global form of virtual violence, virtuous war. In virtuous war, made-for-TV wars and Hollywood war movies blur, military war games and computer video games blend, mock disasters and real accidents collide, producing on screen a new configuration of virtual power, the military-industrial-media-entertainment network.

War is mostly about waiting. In strategy there is delay. In fear there is hesitation. In engagement there is exit. Languor, boredom, nullity: waiting around for orders, mobilization or attack. Capture and detention, setbacks and impediments, quagmires and fog: in all there is a tendency to confusion and deferral. Far from the politics of decision and the friend/enemy divide, waiting reminds us of all that is uncertain or undecidable in war. And if, by other means, war is politics, it signals the importance, perhaps the virtue, of patience in political life.

The wall that separates 'us' from 'them', friend from enemy, organizes the opposition of imaginations. A conflict (or war) of projections, virtual placeholders, where the enemy is designed as an image that will never actualize. But the consequences of the wall are real; information which would allow us to find out whether our outrageous ideas about others hold any truth, is being managed and reduced to the level of images in emerging ‘zero friction zones’; public space, in every aspect, is being reshaped under the imagined threat from the opposite side of the wall.
War and Multitude

Leaving behind the 20th century, the 21st century has appeared with two directions. On the one hand, a hope for the world with more freedom after the fall of the Berlin Wall; on the other hand, the hegemony of capital which has been named ‘Empire’ is as the imperial system based on the military operations and the occupations over multitude.
War Games

When Schiller penned his Aesthetic Letters shortly following the French Revolution, he saw the "play drive" as a virtuous alternative to the violence that had engulfed the world of politics, a force capable of reconciling the conflict between human beings' material, sensuous nature and their capacity for reason. Much of the subsequent history of aesthetic theory hinges on this vision of creativity as a redemptive alternative to the fallen world of modernity. But gaming is serious business.

The following remarks are intended to elucidate certain notions and practices of political and military semantics pertaining to those forces of nature which we summarize under the umbrella terms "weather" or "climate". Since it is an almost insurmountably difficult task for any speaker to grapple with semantics in a language other than the one she or he is sufficiently fluent in to turn that language's descriptive searchlights on its own workings and intricacies, I've decided to present this talk in German - but for the benefit of those guests who don't speak German at all, let me just give a brief and comprehensive summary of what it's about.
Without Title

For more than 10 years, Muha writes lyrics that are very much connected with everyday life of the Roma community in Novi Sad, and turns them into hip-hop songs. In 2007 he made his first professional studio recordings; the album “Crni smo mi” (“We are Black”) was released in July and promoted at the EXIT Festival (MTV Movement campaign).
World War

Everyone knows that World War II was a global war. However, knowledge of its development and impact on Western Europe is rather limited. At least in the last two centuries knowledge of war crimes has increased. The purpose of today’s lecture is to draw a rough outline of the neglected aspects of this war and to raise some interest in the exploits and suffering of the people who were affected by fascism, “Herrenmenschentum” and aggression, and fought against it. The lecture is hold in german, below you could read the english translation.