War and Multitude - Ali Akay
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Dictionay of War Taipei, October 25th 2008 Leaving behind the 20th century, the 21st century has appeared with two directions. On the one hand, a hope for the world with more freedom after the fall of the Berlin Wall; on the other hand, the hegemony of capital which has been named ‘Empire’ is as the imperial system based on the military operations and the occupations over multitude. A reaction has been created by the opponents which are called and conceptualized as ‘Multitude’ in a sensibility which has occurred not only with the former leftist anarcho-gochist groups but also with an ecological market rethinks a multi-dynamics ecological world and unites with multitude. These multi-dynamics come out as the players of today’s dictionary of war. In this political situation, there is an international immigration practice emerging from the movements of labor and capital becomes too mobile, so that it makes the fact of hybridization composing with multiculturalism, post-colonial discourse and the “third space” possible. At this point, by turning to a conceptual approach, it is proper to look at the grammar of war in the dictionary of the thought of Tarde in the beginning of the 20th century.
DICTIONARY OF WAR / dictionaryofwar.org
English / 00:35:49.080 / 252 MB / Ogg Theora/Vorbis - 640x480/Stereo