Arms Race (Architectural)

An architectural arms race is a competition between two or more countries for supremacy through the means of architecture and urbanism. Each party competes to produce architectural imagery or concrete built form to achieve a relative gain over the other. Such gain could be accounted for either symbolically, or physically interfering with urban practices in the country of the opponent.

I declare war on damaged hair and split-ends.
Because I'm worth it.
Kate Moss for L'Oreal The film Comrades venture into the convention of representation, male friendship and the ability to engage emotionally in Hollywood war movies. What notions of friendship and community is it that film industry wish to provide, and how does it differ in respect of the political realities of different time periods. We are Swedish. We surrender.
Corridors of Subjection

Timescapes/B-Zone (Becoming Europe Zone) is a collaborative, non-linear video editing project investigating techniques of narration against the power politics of the segmentation of memory and communication located in a (post-) war zone where state politics concerning migration and mobility are thought of as warfare.

I am here to function as the exergue, as that which comes in advance of an argument or the playing out of a hoped for argument. The exergue is a citation, a found object or quote which alerts us to both what might be coming but also establishes its relation to previous thought. In part the exergue establishes a heightened atmosphere of what is to be expected, a frisson that communicates the intention and the spirit behind that intention in advance of the thing itself.

The Featherman a word that I belive should be included in the dictionary of war. It is the desire and the act of transforming ones self in order to resemble "the other" the enemy. This desire and act usually arises in situations of complete defeat where you find yourself incapable of confronting the other except by mirroring him/her.

A montage of two kinds of montage, two types of assembling images about, in between, beyond, as a war machine within the images themselves. A fine line between love and hate: 1. Jean Genets »Un chant d’amour« (A love Song) – how to make love through a wall and que(e)r it (smoke). 2. The Godard/Gorin/Mieville machine »Ici et Ailleure« (Here and elsewhere) – how to use a two-image-assembly to ruin the War Machine as montage itself - are we not mature to read an Image yet? (Fascism)... in-between: GODARD - embedded War Machine ...

"Representing manhood in the American war against terror: Pat Tillman and Scott Helvenston": Both Tillman and Helvenston played out traditional masculine roles in American public life before enlisting for combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. The events that followed would colour the personas they had constructed earlier.

The video proposes a sensual study on the fragmented self. The I as container can not contain itself. Selfcontainment is an unfinishable process of oneself being there for the first time and placing yourself and being placed in a constructed historical order. If I was you who were you then? The video is based on Gherasim Luca's "The Inventor of Love".

Two points seem to be particularly interesting when we think of neutrality as a mean to manage postcocolonial, ethnic, racial, gender, political, social, military, technological, cultural transitions, as a dispositf of change of the contemporary space, tuned to balance the conflictual forces that flare up in almost every human settlement.
Relatively calm

"Instead of calming the situation, the army shot at people for no reason... We are trying to calm the situation on both sides and I believe that we have almost succeeded. But the protesters are extremely angry. Some of their friends are dead and they are furious." (Member of the Lebanese Parliament explaining the situation after the shooting of protesters in May 2004)
Rhizomic Maneuver

Rhizomic Maneuver is an emergent logic and form of maneuver, that divers from the traditional paradigm. Rhizomic Maneuver is based on disorder, complex geometry, a different epistemology, a different kind of learning. Unlike the industrial manoeuver which is idealistic, rhizomic maneuver is heretical.
Sound Weapon

The S.P.I.R.A.W.L. (Sound Proofed Institute of Research into Acoustic Weapons Logistics) project is an online documentary. The work focuses on the uses of sound, infrasound and ultrasound as weapons by the military and organisations of civil enforcement. The website can be found at:
Struggle for ideas

I would never have considered a lecture, considering the notion of war, if I hadn’t gotten this call. But since I got it, I kept hearing myself saying: you need to be more aggressive, you need more war, more aggression, a wider range of weapons than only that of the verbal communication, to enter the battlefield. You have something to fight for, don’t you?
Theatre of Operations

Proposal for a theatre of operations for the dictionary of war. Drawing package, references, materials. "It was recognized that the chronologic development of these elements would vary from theater to theater. In theaters where a long buildup period was possible, a fairly elaborate system of communications zone sections or bases would develop well in advance of the rest of the theater elements."
Think Tank

Romania entered the NATO in 2003 and was immediately sending troops into Afghanistan. One of the first battalions that was sent there, had the name of a king from 16th century, called Nicolae Basarab but the US-Army said: Who's that? The Romanians tried to explain: This was our king, this was our hero, this is our past. But the americans said: No way this is too complicated. From now on you will be named „Red Scorpions“.
Throne of Blood

Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood" (1957) based on Macbeth was originally titled "SpiderWeb Castle" - tales of ambition ridden lord Washizu (played by Toshiro Mifune) and his vicious lady (played by Isuzu Yamada) set in medieval Japan. Lord Washizu was driven to his downfall following an encounter with a witch in the SpiderWeb forest. " You will never lose a single battle, unless the spider web forest begins to move and approaches the castle." advises the witch to the bewildered Washizu. What follows is the classical plot of betrayal schemes that lead to the final insurgence of Washizu's own archers while the revenging troops marching with tree branches as camouflage towards the castle.

Movements in space and movements of the mind: The trip as the mobilisation of empathy, mimesis and sympathetic magic; between depression and delirium. From Joseph Conrad's outposts to todays checkpoints. From the Gates of Perception to cinematic gestures and sovereign continuity.

The following remarks are intended to elucidate certain notions and practices of political and military semantics pertaining to those forces of nature which we summarize under the umbrella terms "weather" or "climate". Since it is an almost insurmountably difficult task for any speaker to grapple with semantics in a language other than the one she or he is sufficiently fluent in to turn that language's descriptive searchlights on its own workings and intricacies, I've decided to present this talk in German - but for the benefit of those guests who don't speak German at all, let me just give a brief and comprehensive summary of what it's about.