
We could find a definition for the word "continuity" as such: "A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film, allowing the various scenes to be shot out of order." While all possible kinds of "wars" are going on in the world all "possible details" disappear. But details are the bridge towards what makes life more real and interesting. By disappearance of the detail, absurdity evolves in reality and the aspire to continuity is a strong contest around this absurdity.
Full Spectrum Dominance

The objectives of the United States government as outlined in a document called the Joint Vision for 2020 are to achieve this thing they call "full spectrum dominance". The goal is to not allow any other nation or group of people on the planet to achieve a competitive level of development that can challenge the dominance of the United States in any sphere of influence, meaning militarly, economically and meaning in some ways socially.
Hindutva and Islamism: Twins in Annihilation

Hindutva and Islamism are both movements of revanchism and annihilatory impact, which claim to speak in the name of a pure religious tradition that has been tainted and threatened by alien influences. In a zone of cultural confluence such as South Asia, these global movements are at war with one another: to Hindutva, secular modernity as well as Islam and Islamism are the enemy; to Islamism, secular modernity as well as Hinduism and Hindutva are the enemy.

An associative and casual listening session to examples of shaabiyat tracks produced and distributed in Cairo over the past three years. Khan will discuss how the taboo becomes totem, the self hysterically claims a space, and aggression and paranoia become productive cultural operations, his evidence a collection of tracks that he finds to be the most interesting, surprising, and exciting cultural product to come out of his home town for a very long time.
Jeunesse fougue

Bonjour, l'idee de jeunesse fougue pour moi c'est inconstant de lieu. Je remarque aujourd'hui que beaucoup de presidents sont tres jeunes et surtout qui sont doté d'une puissance incroyable, d'une puissance sur le plan armement, sur le plan nucléaire, avec une force de frappe incroyable. Ceci dit, quand un jeune president qui metrise, qui a à sa possession une certaine quantité d'armes decide d'aller en guerre, nous avons constaté que rien ne peut l'empecher de faire la guerre. Même l'opinion international ne peut pas l'empecher de faire la guerre.

My presentation this afternoon will continue on some of the themes that I explored in my conversation with Jo Ractliffe a few moments ago and I am speaking about Jihad but also would like to use the opportunity to link this question of Jihad to what I call incasarated life, to look at the relationship of contemporary arts and the security state. I think it's been in a very much part of the lexicon of the emergency in which we're operating today to speak of Jihad from the point of view of a nihilistic practice, of senseless violence, violence that has no ethical core.
Narrating a time of war

I should begin by saying that I am a painter and talking about war or images of war is something that I have been exploring for a long time, specifically images coming out from what has been labeled as terrorism. Muslim fundamentalism is a subject which has become very intersting for me, coming from India and living and working in Europe.

Pandit or pundit. The word which is now associated almost exclusively with talking heads, CNN newscasters and livestreaming has a much richer history, one that strikes at the very nature of how knowledge is organized and controlled. "Pandit" stems from the Sanskrit "pandita", meaning "learned". Originally referring to a Hindu or Brahman who has memorized a substantial portion of the Vedas, and the rhythms and melododies for repeating them.
State of Emergency

We are going to have a conversation and we've come up with the idea of "state of emergency", to look at "state of emergency" in sort of two manifestations. The first state of emergency in South Africa was in 1960, shortly after the Sharpeville massacre which was a demonstration against the carrying of pass books which was actually part of the colonial british system of regulating black people in South Africa - where they could stay, where they could move.